
Laws of Tanzania Pdf

www.tanzania.go.tz/censusdb/index.html census database The purpose of the website is to make all applicable laws (core and ancillary laws) of Tanzania available in an updated consolidated form to a single source on the Internet. www.tanzania.go.tz/nsgrf.html Poverty and Human Development Report The Supreme Court of Zanzibar It is the highest court with regard to the laws of Zanzibar. The Court is established by section 114 of Chapter 5, Part III, of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania. It exercises its powers concurrently with the Supreme Court of mainland Tanzania, provided that the law enacted by Parliament is applicable to both mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar. www.tanzania.go.tz/microeconomicpolicef.html Microeconomic policy www.tanzania.go.tz/guidelinesf.html Medium-term plan and budgetary framework The main function of the National Assembly is to enact and repeal laws. The National Assembly legislates through a bill called a law. A bill becomes law when it is approved by the president. Bills can be introduced either by a Member of Parliament (private bill) or by the government (official bill). In Tanzania, however, bills were often prepared by the government.

Once a law has been adopted by the National Assembly, it is submitted to the President of the Union for approval. If the president gives his consent to the law, it becomes a law, and as soon as it is published in the official gazette, it has the force of law. Also visit www.tanzania.go.tz/pressreleasef.html for the government press These are sets of rules codified according to the procedure laid down in the Regulation on Jurisdiction and Law Enforcement. They contain rules about the laws of the person, rules of heredity in some tribes, and rules about wills. They are often found in the Local Customary Law (Declaration) Ordinance 1963 (numbers one to eight). The agency is a semi-autonomous government agency responsible for administering central government taxes and several non-tax revenues. The authority, which administers a number of taxes, is under the general supervision of the board of directors. The tax laws administered by the TRA are listed in the tax laws administered by the TRA. These are written or legal laws passed by the Tanzanian parliament since independence in 1961, and a series of laws passed by the colonial Legislative Council. All laws are governed by the country`s Basic Law, the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977, as amended.

In addition to “laws”, there are other written laws passed by delegated powers and commonly referred to as subsidiary, subordinate or delegated laws. Constitution Acts of Parliament Customary law received According to the Constitution of the Union of 1977, Parliament must follow the procedures provided for in the Constitution and cannot enact laws and apply them to Zanzibar if the law concerns matters which do not fall within the affairs of the Union. If Parliament passes a law that violates some or all of the provisions of the Constitution, that law can be struck down by the courts if a request is made. Finally, Parliament may amend the provisions of the Constitution of the Union, but it may not go so far as to change the essential characteristics and fundamental structures of the Constitution. Tanzania`s sources of law are based on three main sources. These are; Constitution, laws of parliament / local law, customary law and / or religious law, right received, treaties and international conventions, through laws and / or subsidiary laws and regulations / circulars. It is the body of law developed by the judgments of the English courts relating to the customs and customs of the English people and then interpreted before the courts. By preserving the courts, they remain enforceable (when there are no local laws or rules) and persuasive laws in Tanzania thanks to the doctrine of precedents. The District Land and Housing Court is established under section 22 of the Regional Disputes Act No. 2 of 2002 under section 167 of Provincial Act No.

4 of 1999, which provides for the establishment of the court. The court shall have original jurisdiction over all proceedings relating to land conferred on it by written laws, provided that the value of the property does not exceed 50 million Tanzanian shillings or that the object may be valued at a monetary value not exceeding 40 million Tanzanian shillings. The Court has jurisdiction to execute its own orders and judgments. Structurally, district land and housing courts will be available in all districts of Tanzania. (b) Neighbourhood courts Neighbourhood courts are established under section 3 of the Neighbourhood Courts Act No. 7 of 1985. The Municipal Court is available throughout the municipality of Tanzania and has the main task of ensuring peace and harmony in the region for which it was established by mediating and seeking a fair and amicable settlement of disputes. The court shall have jurisdiction over all questions and disputes arising from all laws and regulations promulgated by the competent authority. The court is also competent to hear and decide disputes related to offences and civil disputes covered by the law and may impose sanctions to the extent specified in the law. Under the Village Land Act of 1999 and the Land Act of 1999, the District Court may exercise jurisdiction in the first instance and appeal over land disputes.